Dryject® is the only service in the world that aerates, topdresses, and amends golf greens, tees, fairways, and sports fields in one pass.  High pressure water fractures the root zone while using patented vacuum technology to simultaneously fill with sand or soil amendment.

How It Works

Traditional core aeration is time consuming and requires several steps to return turf to a playable surface. DryJect® is a revolutionary service which, when added to your maintenance program, can reduce the need for core aerification and enhance the benefits of sand and soil amendments by distributing them into the ground more completely.

DryJect’s high-pressure, water-based injection system blasts aeration holes through the root zone to fracture the soil, while its patented vacuum technology simultaneously fills holes with amendment. Relieve compaction, increase water filtration, reach the root zone with oxygen and amend your soil all at the same time, leaving the surface smooth and playable. Best of all, an independent DryJect service professional does it for you, so you don’t need to own the DryJect machine to experience its benefits.

The Benefits of DryJect Aerification

    • Aerate, amend and topdress in one pass, allowing a playable surface in an hour.
    • Help new sod knit to the soil below by creating channels filled with amendment, allowing roots to penetrate deeper.
    • Punch through sports turf, allowing better root proliferation.
    • Combine soil modification with aeration for increased soil benefit.
    • Apply up to 250% more material than traditional topdress applications.
    • Adjust aeration spacing and depth (up to 8 inches).
    • Inject amendments such as sand, Profile™ Field & Fairway™ and Greens Grade™ directly into the soil.

Specialty Turf Supply is your DryJect Service Provider for Alabama, Mississippi and the Panhandle of Florida.